Get ODOO ? Click here to get Price | Price start from 50 $ / unlimited users, amazing wow !
Foodics is one of most popular point of sale solution from Saudi Arabia, United States of Emirates. Solution is most popular across all food resturant and food chain management.

It provide multiple account number and allow to manage addresses, branches, categories, charges, combos, coupons, customer, delivery zone, devices, discounts, drawer operations, gift card product, gift card transaciton, gift cards, groups, house transacitons, loyalty, menu display, modifiers options, modifiers, orders, payment methods, products, promotions, tables, tags, taxes and lot more foodics resturant management solution.
Xamta Infotech provide Foodics integration with any ERP solution. We provide both way integration solution. As our solution helps to manage business automation and allow you to manage handshake with manufacturuing unit, accounting software, inventory or supply chain management system.
Ready solution available for Foodics Integration with ODOO and custom make control panel as well. Feel free to contact us for getting ODOO-Foodics integration app.
Manage and list your vendors
Products / Services
Control vendor related code and price range, etc
Stock Adjustment
Allow you to flexibility to update daily stock count, at right location with lot / serial
Manage receiving items and label print, location etc
Pick right item direct ship or pick, pack and ship, all flexibility right here.
Internal Transfer
Olla, flexible to tranfer betweet warehouses
Modern way to operate your business, by lot/serial, product code, location code, easy to trace.
Delivery Picking
System let you know how to pick, from where to pick, etc
Landed Cost
Allow you to control landed cost with purchase system, right way to estimate purchase unit price per company or warehouse, etc
Inventory FIFO | LIFO | FEFO
Flexible to manage movement of items in warehouse.
Expire Date
Allow you to decide and control expire date and etc ...
Multi Warehouse, Multi location
Allow to manage complexity with number of warehouses or locations.
Manage customer or client base with all complex details
Import Leads
Flexible to Import / create leads
Customer Relationship Management
Quotation & Sales,
Send Quote by an Email
Products / Services
Revenue maker items or services
Email Marketing
Product / Service awareness
Manage business specific chart of account
Journal Entries
Flexible to Import / create leads
Sales related invoices and payments
Purchase related invoices and payments
Reports & BI
Profit and lost, Balancesheet and other reports for a company
Online Payment
Get paid online instant and lot more with customer portal
we are happy to serve you
Let's start a project.