Normalization of formulas using Sympy | Xamta Infotech

Normalization in the context of symbolic formulas often refers to simplifying expressions, factoring out common terms, and making them more readable. SymPy provides various functions for normalization and simplification of expressions. Here are some examples:

1. **Simplify a Rational Expression:**


from sympy import symbols, simplify, Rational

# Define symbolic variables

x, y = symbols('x y')

# Define a rational expression

expression = (x**2 - y**2) / (x - y)

# Simplify the expression

simplified_expression = simplify(expression)

print("Original Expression:", expression)

print("Simplified Expression:", simplified_expression)


2. **Expand and Simplify:**


from sympy import symbols, expand, simplify

# Define symbolic variables

x, y = symbols('x y')

# Define an expression to expand and simplify

expression = (x + y)**3

# Expand the expression

expanded_expression = expand(expression)

# Simplify the expanded expression

simplified_expression = simplify(expanded_expression)

print("Original Expression:", expression)

print("Expanded Expression:", expanded_expression)

print("Simplified Expanded Expression:", simplified_expression)


3. **Factorization:**


from sympy import symbols, factor

# Define symbolic variables

x, y = symbols('x y')

# Define an expression to factorize

expression = x**2 - y**2

# Factorize the expression

factored_expression = factor(expression)

print("Original Expression:", expression)

print("Factored Expression:", factored_expression)


4. **Trigonometric Simplification:**


from sympy import symbols, sin, cos, simplify_trig

# Define symbolic variable

x = symbols('x')

# Define a trigonometric expression

expression = sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2

# Simplify the trigonometric expression

simplified_trig_expression = simplify_trig(expression)

print("Original Trigonometric Expression:", expression)

print("Simplified Trigonometric Expression:", simplified_trig_expression)


5. **Square Root Simplification:**


from sympy import symbols, sqrt, simplify

# Define symbolic variable

x = symbols('x')

# Define an expression with square roots

expression = sqrt(x**2)

# Simplify the expression with square roots

simplified_expression = simplify(expression)

print("Original Expression:", expression)

print("Simplified Expression with Square Roots:", simplified_expression)


These examples demonstrate various ways to normalize and simplify expressions using SymPy. Depending on your specific needs and the nature of your formulas, you can choose the appropriate normalization techniques.

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